Shasta Daisy ‘Alaska’ (Leuncanthemum maximum)
Herbaceous Perennial
A robust, clump-forming perennial with thick, narrow, dark green leaves. From early summer to early autumn bears solitary, single or double, white flower heads up to 10cm across with yellow centres
Seeds from Verve (B & Q)
Sow indoors
Sow outdoors
Plant out
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
Moist but well–drained
50cm – 1m
50cm – 1m
Sow indoors in seed trays 1.5cm deep using sowing compost. Place seeds on a warm windowsill. Keep moist, transfer seedlings to 7.5cm and grow on indoors. Seedlings will usually appear after 14-28 days. Plant young plants outdoors 40cm apart in well-drained soil in a sunny spot.
I’ve not grown daisies from seed before. I have had a couple of shasta plants but after the first flush they didn’t do a whole lot. These will most likely go into a container with the rest going into the border. Hopefully we’ll get some sun at some point!