Lupin ‘Russell Mixed’ (Lupinus Polyphyllus)
Hardy perrenial
A famous strain, originally developed in the 1930s. Magnificent colourful flower spikes are produced early in the summer. Spectacular planted in groups.
Seeds from Johnsons
Sow indoors
Sow outdoors
Plant out
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
Well drained soil
Sow thinly in trays, cover with a fine layer of compost. Firm gently and keep moist. Cover tray with glass, polythene or propagator lid. Keep at approximately 15°C, seedlings appear 21-28 days.
Remove cover when seedlings appear, when large enough transplant seedlings to 7.5cm pots. Gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions. Plant 60cm apart in floweing positions from late summer onwards. Flowers May to July, the following year.
For outdoor sowing, soaks seeds before sowing.
A first for me. I love lupins, shame we won’t see them flower this year but looking forward to them turning up!