Saxifraga ‘Highlander White’ (Saxifraga x arendsii)
Evergreen Perennial
A low-growing, clump-forming dense evergreen alpine perennial with very small bright rosette-shaped green leaves. Clusters of white, single, upward-facing flowers with yellow stamens appear in early spring.
My plant (left) hasn’t any flowers at the moment!
Plant purchased from B&Q, Carlisle.
Sow indoors
Sow outdoors
Plant out
J | F | M | A | M | J | J | A | S | O | N | D |
Well drained soil
50cm (20″)
50cm (20″)
Propagate by detaching individual rosettes and rooting as cuttings
Another first for me. I’ve planted this one under the holly tree. It does get sun in the morning and is sheltered for the rest of the day.