March Sowing ( part 1 )

We had some snow last night, about time too! The rest of the country has been deluged with snow and the Scottish borders? Not so much. I know it’s rubbish for the garden (as well as obstructive when cleaning up after the dogs) but I do love snow.

I had a little time on my hands this week so managed to get summer sowing started. All indoors, so I needed to get more propagators and seed trays. For a change I went to B&Q as they had the paint we wanted (Ducksback Silver Copse) for the fencing at the most reasonable price.

I’m going to try something new starting with this post. Any links that I include to items I’ve used or bought that are relevant will be at the end of the post. This is not affiliate linking. Although I have considered doing affiliate linking I don’t expect this blog to gain much traction, and I don’t really want to keep linking to Amazon ad nauseum. While I do buy some stuff on Amazon I much prefer to use local nurseries, garden centres and DIY shops.

Anyway, back to the seed sowing..

I’ve run out of window sills! The rear, south facing porch is full of seed trays, along with all my container plants that are hiding from the weather. The bedroom windows (also south facing) are, as shown above, also full. The kitchen window faces north, which is a real shame as it’s a really big window ledge. But it’s over-shadowed by the houses on the other side of the street so doesn’t get much sun. I may have to use it if I want to sow any more seeds though. I have shasta daisies, lobelia mixed (trailing) and gazenias that I want to start off.

The mountain sandwort hasn’t peeped so much as a leaf above soil as yet and the cranes-bill geranium are proving to be a disappointment again this year. I have two seedlings potted on and one more is starting to show. Out of 25 seeds. Not a great ratio! I think if I do them again I may try a different brand.

As promised, links to some of the items in this post.

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